Sunday, September 4, 2011

Integration Bodywork / Hitbodedut Techniques" Class in Nachlaot

SHeM1 (soul/heart/mind) invites you to our weekly class "Integration Bodywork/Hitbodedut Techniques" given by Dr. Moshe Meir Newman. At the Klein home: 39 HaCarmel Street Nachlaot on Wednesday nights at 8:00pm for more infor call Chana at 054-5770-156

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Interactive Tisha Ba'av @ Kol Rina

8:05 - Maariv, followed by Eicha and Kinot

8:30 - Shacharit - interactive discussion on selected kinot and The Meaning of Tisha Ba'av. Mainly in English.

6:50 - Minchah - followed by drasha by Rabbi Yom Tov Glaser.

7:59 - Break Fast

8:05 – Maariv

Kol Rina is located across from 26 Rechov Beer Sheva.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Yom Yerushalayim @ Kol Rina

Join Kol Rina for a special, festive, musical Yom Yerushalayim. The beautiful melodies of Jerusalem will be intertwined in prayer. Maariv on Tues, May 31, at 8:15. Hallel by Benyamin Steinberg. Shacharit on Wed, June 1, at 7 (Hallel at 7:50). Kol Rina is located across from 26 Rechov Beer Sheva in Nachlaot.